It was a few days after Christmas; the shop had done relatively well over the period and I felt rested. A thought popped into my head: “why not attend the Hong Kong Jewellery show?.” It is the largest jewellery show and attracts over 52,00 visitors. I had attended this show a few years ago and it had been a successful trip. So, with a buzz of excitement I sat at the computer and before i knew it i was registered with the show, flight and accommodation booked. Over the next few weeks I dreamed about the endless possibilities the show would offer, new jewellery ranges, ideas for merchandising, new trends and on and on. I could give the shop a complete make over. Well, we are fast approaching our 10th year of trading.
At last, the day of travel arrived, the week before Storm Doris had hit the UK, and I must say after that I started to have 2nd and 3rd thoughts about the trip. Well, at last I was on my way. There was a lovely cloudless sky above and no dire warnings of bad weather on the horizon. I had opted to fly upper class, I justified this on many fronts to myself: the need for a bed, a necessity at my age, also i would be finding all those new ranges of jewellery so i would need to arrive fresh and ready to go. So thank you, Virgin Atlantic, you delivered on all fronts.
I was up and ready to go on the first day of the show. I queued to get my visitors badge endorsed and I was through the starters gate. Five huge halls of goodies to be explored. The array of goods on offer was staggering, the quality was first class. Deciding what to purchase was really difficult. Each day on my return from the show i treated myself to afternoon tea in the hotel, where I could write up my notes and plan the coming days. Thank you Conrad Hilton, you do do a lovely afternoon tea.
I stayed true to my budget (well nearly) and ordered some great new lines: Semi precious stoned jewellery from Bali; Friendship bracelets from Italy set with lovely cubic Ziconia, which would be great for an April birthday gift; the range of earrings I bought from India are amazing, really on trend, the long statement pieces using beautiful moonstone, labradroite and lapis lazuli really stunning. I Made some really good contacts with companies that I could work with on my return to the UK. Walking out of the show on the last day, well limping actually due to 2 blisters. I was exhausted.But pleased with myself.
Was It Worth While?
This was the question I kept asking myself on the flight home. In terms of sound economic sense possibly not. I did, however, treat myself to some luxury, well, maybe the spa hotel pushed the budget a little. But In terms of the range of jewellery i saw, then definitely.
Will I make a fortune out of the new ranges? definitely not. The high price of silver and the exchange rates are not favorable. However, I am reinvigorated in the world of jewellery and merchandising ideas. I have lots of new and unique products to show my customers. This alone was worth the trip.
I now need a bigger shop!